
Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Little Things To be Thankful For

You see what I did there ^
Yes, I used my blog title in my post title

Hahahahahaha, oh the cleverness of me!

Ok, that was alot funnier in my head. 

Thanksgiving was just a few days ago, and because I am oh-so-lazy, I waited three days to write a post. Honestly, I am really enjoying this "break" from everything. The whole getting-to-stay-in-my-jammies-all-day-and-be-lazy thing is just the thing I needed. So here I am, sitting in my pizza jammies, sipping coconut coffee and eating leftover apple bread, finally getting around to writing a post about what I am thankful for.

I am so blessed that I have had to narrow hundreds of things I am thankful for, down to a short list(Or else this post would never end). And as hard as that has been, I think I have accomplished it.
So here goes.

Mi Familia

I just have to say, my family is amazing. Really. Yes, they drive me absolutely bonkers sometimes. They act in a way that sometimes, I would probably not claim them in public. 
They are dorky, crazy, confusing, frustrating, moody, ever-growing, and just plain weird, but they are MINE. 

Yup, those are my pizza jammies.
Even though they are all of those things, they are so much more in my eyes.
My family is kind. My family is understanding. They listen to the needs of others, they put others first. My family has made sacrifices for each other when they by all means did not have to. They lift each other up when someone is down. They protect each other. They laugh. They Love. 

Yeah, they're crazy 

And a bit odd at times,

 But they're mine.

And I wouldn't trade their love for anything in the world.

Not one single thing.

 My Not-So-Little-Bro

Ok, I know this is along the lines of family, but really. This guy, I am so, so, so thankful for him. He's more than my little brother. He's my partner-in-crime, the one I vent to, the one who knows me better than I know myself. He's my protector. He worries about me and keeps me in line. He's my best friend. 

 He cheers me on, keeps me going, even when I can see that he would much rather throw me off a cliff.

I don't think he'll ever read this, so it's safe to say :) I am so thankful Gad gave me you, bubs. I love you more than words can say and I'm sorry for all the wrong I have done against you. I'm sorry you have had to sacrifice so much for me. I've been stupid. I've made the same mistakes over, and over, and never apologized for them. You took the fall for me more times than I can count, and yet, you loved me anyways. I cannot even fathom how you can do that. But I thank you. You always had a good attitude, even when you were angry at me. I thank you for everything you have done for me. You are my best friend, and you always will be. You and me bub, against the world. I love you kid.

My Friends

God has given me some pretty amazing friends. I have been so blessed with the ones he's given me.

He certainly picked out the best, just for me.

I'm a crazy piece of work, but they still love me and call me their friend :)

My Country, and Those who serve it

I am deeply appreciative of those who took risks many generations ago to lay the foundation for what we have in the U.S. today. I’m thankful for men and women past and present who put their lives on the line so we can keep our freedom. I’m thankful for the freedom to worship my God without fear of persecution as other countries experience.
I’m thankful to live in a safe neighborhood, city, region and state compared to what so many around the world experience daily just trying to get by in war-torn, poverty-stricken areas. I’m thankful for the ability to protect myself.

I’ve never know a perfect human and I’ve never known a perfect country, but as countries go, I’ll take mine with a grateful heart.

The Godly Men and Women in My Life

My daddy, my momma, my grandparents, my pastor, my friend's parents, friends, the list goes on. I'm thankful for these Godly men and women that I look up to. My examples who have shown me what a true man or woman of God looks like.

My Health

I am thankful to have a healthy body in which I can do the things I do. I wear my poor body out. I stay up too late, exert it too much, I feed it junk. It gave me quite a scare last year when it seemed to fail, but since then, I am thankful for my near-perfect health.

My Faith

This one should be my #1, for without my faith, I would be nothing. Without my Jesus, I would be nothing. 

And last, but certainly not the least, I am so very thankful for 

My Momma

My momma. My dear, sweet, loving, selfless, amazing momma. If I hadn't been blessed with her, I'd be a mess. And not a hot mess either. 
My momma is selfless. Completely selfless. She puts the needs of everyone else above hers. She never thinks about herself, only how she can serve others. 
My momma is kind. She is kind to me when I don't deserve it. 
My momma loves. She loves everyone she meets.

My momma is fun.

My momma is strong. My momma is brave. My momma is an example to me in so many ways. 
There are so many reasons I am thankful for my momma. This short exerpt in a blog post couldn't even begin to cover it. 

I love my momma to the ends of the earth. 
Momma, I only let you read one of the poems I wrote for my class. The second one was this.

To be a mother is not an easy task, 
yet you do it proudly everyday no matter what is asked.
You have turned your baby into a beautiful young lady.
You were there for me since the very beginning and saved me countless tears.
The pushy and wise advice you gave will carry me through the years.
With my every mistake or wrongful deed, 
you were always there to understand.
You put no limits on my dreams or anything else I wish to do.
You never forget to say you care or that you love me to.
The smile and tears upon your face when I achieve provides me with more value in my heart then you'd ever believe.
There is no other person that will shape my heart the way you've done, 
your job finished perfectly for your precious daughters and son.
We have had a rocky road through triumph and catastrophe, hard time and despair,
but not a single moment of time of not having a wonderful mother there.
You have always put in your last with love and my whole life is not enough time for me to repay you.
We always put our disagreements to the side and manage to make it through. 
I know that my teen years have driven you crazy but you have guided me with assurance along the way.
You have given me comfort and certainty with every breath I take within the day.
Your little girl is growing up but your baby girl will always remain deep inside me.
There are not enough words that can thank you for everything you have helped me emotionally and physically. 
I have my whole future ahead of me and you are the women that has led me and guided me towards the proper path.
Thank you, Momma.

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