
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Dear future husband...

If you know me like I imagine you one day will, you know that I'll start this letter off awkwardly.
Um, hey. What's up?
So a future husband to me is like some kind of  mythical creature... like the Lochness Monster or Bigfoot.
I know, I just compared you to Bigfoot -- but I swear it gets better. Keep reading.
Point being, when we were little, creatures like unicorns and elves sounded amazing and we couldn't wait to find one someday. Sadly, as we grew older, it seemed like it was less and less likely that we'd see anything like that. The closest that we'd get was the leprechaun on a Lucky Charms box, and don't even get me started on the disappointment the tooth fairy caused. Likewise, a husband - a future soul mate - seems too fantastical nowadays to be real. We once dreamed about a prince charming, and nowadays we're accepting we might just have to crawl out of that tower and find him ourselves.
But I know you're out there. Maybe you're going through the same things I am. Are you enjoying life in the In-Between, the time between being a kid and having fun and having to live like an adult all the same? Do you feel that pit of anxious excitement about a future career? Or maybe not. Maybe you're actually a professional bullfighter or puppy rescuer and we're not doing anything similar right now - who knows.
Here are just a few things I'd like to tell you while you're somewhere out there.
Trust God. I cannot express how important that is. He is there for you when no one else is. Trusting God is simply believing that He loves you, He’s good, He has the power to help you, He wants to help you, and He will help you. Christians are called believers, but many times, we are more like unbelieving believers. We trust our friends, the bank, other things more than we trust God and His Word. SO trust in him, bury yourself in his word, it's the best thing you can do.
Be safe while driving. I'm assuming you're jamming out to something on the radio -- whether it be country, rock, classic, or rap (but please don't be screamo), don't get wrapped up in scrolling through songs. If your buddy Jim texts you, let him wait until you're parked. It would be awful if something happened to you before we could even meet. So, please be safe.
Collect extra T-shirts and hoodies. Just warning you ahead of time, because I'm a T-shirt bandit. Might as well be prepared.
Be a big brother. You may be a big brother already, but that's not what I mean. There are kids out there that just need someone. Even just talking to them and asking how their day was will light up their world. Trust me, it does.
We're getting a dog. If you're not a dog person, I'd suggest starting to become one, because I'll be wanting dogs--and kids, but we'll get to that later. If you already love canines, be ready to brainstorm names. Because our dog's are about to be awesome.
Don't give up -- ever. These are the days where life starts to get serious and sometimes when you fall, no one is there to pick you back up. I wish I could reach a hand out, but since I can't, I want you to keep going. Never stop doing something you're passionate about.
Find friends who love God. I know that guys love to bond over video games and junk food, but dont make that everything that's important. Find someone who will challenge you in your faith, give you the encouragement you need and be your rock until I come around. 
I am a pretty awesome cook. Just thought you should know. But when I'm in a mood, be ready to go out and get something.
If you're thinking about getting a tattoo... Please, think twice or more than twice, however long it takes to make that thought go away. I beg of you.
Be confident, but not arrogant. No one likes a big head. It's seriously a turn off. Just stickin that in there. But! That doesn't mean that confidence is unattractive. Quite the contrary. :)
I've been hurt . I'm sorry to say, but you may be receiving me bruised and a little bent. While you were not present in my life, people have wandered here and there. Some good, some bad. The bad ones I will gladly hand over their names so you may threaten to kick their tails. But as I mentioned earlier, God is everything and so is family. Though I've been through some rough patches, I'm getting better each and every day. I look forward to the day when you become present and you'll get to deal with my craziness :)
I'm bad at taking compliments. More than likely, when you compliment me, I'll respond with an awkward "thanks" or a gentle punch in the arm. Please don't be discouraged, I'll get better at it, I promise. Just don't be surprised if I fall out of my chair or something.
I'm rooting for you. When it seems like everyone's turned their backs against you, just know somewhere I'm out there cheering you on. I'm praying that God is working on you as well as with you. 
I'm horrible at making decisions. Ask me where I want to go for dinner? I won't know. Ask me what movie I want to see? I can't decide. I panic. A lot.
Spend good time with your family. They're always gonna be your best friends and your biggest supporters no matter what, and I like them already.
Accept my arm wrestling challenges. I may lose every time, but never deny me the chance to try. And don't let me win. I got this.
Prepare to own every Disney and Marvel movie ever made.  I've already started my collection, so be prepared
Also, I speak fluently in movie quotes. Yes its true, so be ready for me to imitate characters from my favorite movie, expect you to finish a quote or randomly break out into song. I am very awkward and funny like that. It's awesome.
Talk with my Daddy and brothers. Hey, I may like you someday, but if they don't, there's no chance. I'm not even joking. Before you even tell me you like me, you go see my daddy. Otherwise, you'll be chased out of town. And my dad's a pretty scary dude if you haven't noticed, and my brothers will be next in line.  If you're wanting to join this family, you're going to have to get to know them too, not just me.
I can't be more excited to fall in love with you.
To all the girls out there wondering if there is ever going to be someone for them -- we can't give up. It's easy to say "Forever alone" and put yourself down all the time. But if you put yourself out there and do something you're passionate about, you'll find him. If you give up now, you're letting him down. If you give up and wait in your tower, you'll never get the list he's writing you. 
But above all else ladies, trust God. He knows exactly who your future husband is and he's working on him as you read this.
So right now, future husband, I guess you're a mystery like Bigfoot or those darned unicorns we just can't seem to track down.
But I know one day when we finally meet, you'll be my best friend. And I can't wait.
See you soon,